Gateway Leagues
Gateway Leagues are the premier field hockey leagues in St. Louis, MO offering skill development and game play for athletes of all ability and experience levels in 1st-12th grade during the fall, winter, and spring seasons. Beginning in 2000, Gateway began offering professionally run field hockey leagues and we continue to provide high quality instructional game play each season on top of the line turf fields. Our leagues consist of multiple divisions within each age group to allows for beginner, intermediate and advanced players to develop their game at a comfortable level.
All leagues are held on state of the art outdoor water turf fields at either Sport Port or Villa Duchesne, and indoors on turf at STL Athletic Center. Leagues consist of a ~15 minute skills instructional warm-up followed by 40 minutes of gameplay (divided in two halves). We are happy to accommodate friend/school requests to League, Prep Club, and Mini Sticks athletes so grab your friends and join us this season for a fun filled field hockey experience. Not to worry, if you join without a teammate request, we have a spot for you! As a reminder, Prep Club and Elite Club includes league play, so you need not register for both League and a club program.
Spring League
Locations - Sportport and/or Villa Duchesne
Dates - Sundays | April 6, 13, 19 (Saturday), 27, May 4, 17/18 (depending on division due to Villa graduation)
Times - Games are held between 10:30am-6:30pm
Uniform - All athletes receive a uniform shirt as part of their registration, we ask that athletes wear black or navy shorts/skirt and white socks
Equipment needed - All athletes need a field hockey stick, mouthguard, and shin guard
Cost - $135 before February 10th | $140 | $150 after March 15th
Divisions and Registration
1st/2nd grade
3rd/4th grade
5th/6th grade
7th/8th grade
High School
Winter League
Location - STL Athletic Center (Indoors)
Sundays - January 12, 19, February 2, 9, 16, 23
Times - All games will be held between 1pm-7:30pm on Sundays with the exception of Superbowl Sunday (February 9) when games will be held between 9am-4pm.
Below are the time frames for each division. All teams will be assigned one game within the time frame each week. The final game schedule and teams will be emailed to everyone in mid December.
Kindergarten - 1pm-3pm
1st/2nd Grade - 1pm-4pm
3rd/4th Grade - 1pm-4pm
5th/6th Grade - 3pm-5:30pm
7th/8th Grade - 4pm-6:30pm
High School - 6pm-8pm
Uniform - All athletes receive a uniform shirt as part of their registration, we ask that athletes wear black or navy shorts/skirt and white socks
Equipment needed - All athletes need a field hockey stick, mouthguard, and shin guard
- Early Bird - $135 before November 1
- Regular - $140 between November 1 - November 30
- Late - $150 - on/after December 1
Fall League
Locations: Sportport and/or Villa Duchesne
*Typically the younger age games (6th and below) are at Villa and older athletes are at Sportport
Sundays: September 8, 15, 22, 29, October 6, 13 - 2024
Times: Most games between 11am-6pm in the Fall (schedule released in mid/late August)
Uniform: All athletes receive a uniform shirt as part of their registration, we ask that athletes wear black or navy shorts/skirt and white socks
Equipment needed: All athletes need a field hockey stick, mouthguard, and shin guard
- Early Bird - $135 before June 15
- Regular - $140 between June 15-August 1
- Late - $150 - on/after August 1
- Registrations close when the program is full
Divisions and Registration - Opens in May 2024
1st/2nd grade
3rd/4th grade
5th/6th grade
7th/8th grade
*No HS in the Fall - due to school season